Are you an entrepreneur and high performer who feels stuck or like you've reached a plateau?  

Join Dr. Louise Swartswalter, a renowned brain optimization expert for a powerful Free Masterclass to learn 3 quick brain hacks to increase clarity, power and success!  

Peak Performance Secrets



What You'll Learn in This Masterclass:

Dr. Louise is a master at clearing the limiting beliefs, trauma and emotions (even ancestral patterns) and rewiring your mind, body, soul and energetic field for results that stick! You will discover these brain hacks that have propelled countless entrepreneurs to make bigger impacts and make more money. It is time for YOU to take your Quantum Leap!

  • Reprogram your energetic field using brain success codes. 
  • Balance the neurotransmitters through frequency medicine. 
  • Learn the # 1 brain hack to increase focus, balance and calm you down.

Learn the Brain Soul Hacks That Clear Blocks to Success in Just 5 Minutes!


"When Dr. Louise cleared my field and used her biofeedback frequencies I felt supported through the whole event. This was our best event ever and I am so grateful to Dr. Louise. Louise's brain-soul work is so needed in these times. In deep gratitude.

- Lisa Sasevich, The Queen of Sales Conversion, California

"In just 4 months, my life changed. I was able to retire from 30 years of ministry as a Director of Spiritual Care to begin the call of focusing on healing retreats, energy work, and spiritual counseling. I received 8 new clients, my health improved, and I facilitated a healing weekend at a retreat center with 10 beautiful souls that I had not been able to do for many years. I had the courage to market myself, to be visible and trust that I was being divinely guided, and all would be well."

- Bonnie McCulley, New Mexico

"There is no way I could achieve this level of personal and business success, happiness and freedom to be me, with such ease without investing in myself. What I witnessed over the last 3 years is hard to put in words. If I could only choose 1 word to describe my time with Louise it would be TRANSFORMATIVE. Every year I am happier, healthier and have achieved a level of success in my business that I never thought possible. I am profoundly grateful."

- Deanna Stanley


Master coach, speaker, teacher, and naturopath, Dr. Louise teaches transformation via mind, body, and spirit integrating ancient healing wisdom fused with the latest science to produce tangible results for people around the world

Dr. Louise creates lasting change through transformational coaching - not just another 'life coach' or 'business coach', Dr. Louise is a master of helping you re-program the way you see & respond to the world in order for you to create lasting change. 

Creator of the Brain Soul Success Academy and the B.R.A.I.N. System, a unique multi dimensional system that works on the mind, body, soul, and energetic field, Dr. Louise also has over 20 years of experience connecting with clients; clearing blocks to success, and helping them achieve their highest potential. 

Supported by a team of certified Brain Soul Success Coaches, Dr. Louise is helping people just like you worldwide transform their lives and increase their businesses.